What this is all about...

The idea to drive, photograph and document the gravel mountain passes of the coastal region of South Africa occurred to me while driving the Prince Alfred pass early in 2012. A mountain pass is much more than a cumbersome stretch of road linking the areas on either side of a mountain. There is a "this side", which invariably differs from the "other side", as well as an "inside". Each side containing its own unique collection of marvels. Old classic farm houses, derelict but stylish bridges, missionary churches, rock formations, old toll houses from yester year giving shelter to a squatter ghost or two, succulents hiding in rocky crevices, black eagles scouting for hyraxes and much more. Hopefully there is also a charming campsite somewhere on the "other side" to erect an antenna in time for the 18h00 schedule to share the day's discoveries with the OM and YL's within reach.

The expedition started on 12 September 2012, when we left Durbanville for the Richtersveld. It is not always possible to say where we will be on what day. That is why this an expedition and not a tour.

Die idee om die bergpasse van die kusstreke van Suid-Afrika te verken, te fotografeer en te dokumenteer het ontstaan toe ek vroeg in 2012 oor die Prince Alfredpas gery het. 'n Bergpas is veel meer as 'n lastige stukkie pad wat die areas weerskante van 'n berg met mekaar verbind. Daar is 'n "hierdie kant", wat sonder uitsondering baie anders is as die "ander kant", en natuurlik ook 'n "binnekant". Elke kant bring sy kant met 'n unieke versameling interessanthede. Ou klassieke plaashuise, verlate maar stylvolle brue, sendingkerke, rotsformasies, tolhuise van eergister wat die spook of twee wat daar kom plak het teen die elemente beskerm, vetplante in rotsskeure, witkruisarende op soek na dassies, en veel meer. Hopelik ook 'n oulike kampterrein aan die "ander kant" waar ek 'n antenna kan opslaan, betyds vir die 18h00 skedule om die dag se ondekkings te deel met die OM'e en YL's binne bereik.

Die ekspedisie het op 12 September 2012 bgin toe ons Durbanville verlaat het oppad na die Richtersveld. Ons moet maar steeds sien waar ons wanneer sal wees. Dit is waarom dit 'n ekspedisie is en nie 'n toer nie.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Kontakbesonderhede ~ Contact details

Dit is my plan om hierdie blog so twee tot drie keer per week op te dateer met nuus oor die afgelope week se vordering asook oor waar ons ons bevind. Kommentaar en inligting is welkom.  Aanvanklik ry die XYL (Nelleke) saam. Na 'n paar weke word dit 'n eenmanekspedisie.

Die meeste aande is ek van 18h30 tot 19h00 op 7.095Mhz beskikbaar wees vir 'n geselsie. Indien die frekwensie beset is probeer ons 7.135Mhz, (of 5Khz daarbo of daaronder). Die bo-punt van 'n bergpas klink ook na 'n goeie plek vir 'n QSO. Luister dus ook rondom 12h30 op 14.325Mhz  (of 5Khz daarbo of daaronder).  Op sommige dae sal dit werk, en op ander dae nie. ZS100MPX is die naam van die ekspedisie en is ook die roepsein .
Besoekers langs die pad en by kampplekke is baie welkom. Ek sal vir die vuur sorg.  Bring net 'n bottel goeie wyn saam.

It is my good intention to update this blog two to three times per week with news about our progress and location.  Comment and information are welcome. Initially I will be accompanied by the XYL (Nelleke). After two, three or four weeks it turns into a one man expedition.

On most days from 18h30 till 19h00 I will be on air on 7.095Mhz for a chat. If the frequency is occupied, we will try 7.135 (or 5Khz higher or lower).  The top of a mountain pass also sounds like a good place for a QSO. Therefore, from 12h30 try 14.325Mhz (or 5Khz higher or lower). On some days it will work and on others it will not.  ZS100MPX is the name of the expedition as well as the call sign.

Visitors along the road and at camp sites are welcome. I will look after the fire. Just bring a bottle of good wine.


  1. Well Douw I think there are a lot of envious people following you on this Blog, may you have a safe and most enjoyable trip.

    May you have the hindsight to know where you've been
    the foresight to know where you're going
    and the insight to know when you're going too far.

    Will be sure to work you some time, I know there are no mountain Passes in Bloemfontein but sure you will have to pass through some time so be sure to let us know !

    Safe Travels
    Brendon - ZS4BM

  2. Seenwense vir ‘n veilige, voorspoedige, interessante en opwindende avontuur.

    “May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you, and all your heart might desire.”
    En welkome besoekers by jou kampvuur.

    Liefde. Arne en Ingrid

  3. Douw verseker jaloers makende ervaring wat jy aanpak , hoop jou en die XYL alles van die beste toe op die ekspidisie !!

    Boekmerk jou blog sommer nou, sien uit om te lees van jou wedervaringe !!

    73 de ZS1JLB \ Louis Botha

  4. Douw, ek gaan jou ook hier volg! Voorspoed en onthou 'n amateur sit heel eerste die antenna op!

    1. Rassie ek het 'n Hollandse vrou. You don't take chances. Eers die grondseil, dan die tent, dan die awning, dan die tafel en stoele, dan die gasstofie en die vuur ..... en eers dan die antenna.

  5. Dis awesome - en dankie vir die blog dan kan ons minstens saam deel in die ervaring al is ons nie fisies daar nie. Die gees waarin julle die pad vat herinner my aan die gedig "The Road Not Taken" deur Robert Frost:
    "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I marked the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference."

  6. Douw,
    Anton in Port Nolloth - motor probleme. Bly by Kookrivier - hy kry jou daar.

  7. Hallo Douw en Nelleke

    Ek is nou by jaloers verby. Julle moet die trip geniet. Ek volg julle so op 'n aaaaafstand.

  8. Hi Douw,

    I will echo Brendon’s comment….. We are all green with envy.
    The blog is great, I also love the photos.
    I will be following your progress.

    Have Fun!

    Pierre - ZS6A
